My Pet is Missing
Please check the shelter to see if your pet is a New Arrival.
If not, follow the guidelines below to help relocate your lost pet.
Look on these websites for your pet and post that your pet is lost. Check these sites continuously.
Petco Love Lost - All Kind partners with Petco Love Lost to post newly found pets from within the community
Nextdoor.com (or on the Nextdoor app)
Facebook Lost & Found Pet groups
If you know the type of microchip your pet has, contact the microchip company to update your contact information and report your pet is lost. If your pet has a microchip, but you don't know the type, call your veterinarian and ask OR if the animal was adopted from the shelter, call the shelter.
If your pet has been found and brought in by a citizen or animal control, they will be held at the shelter for 3 days. Personal visits are best. Bring a current photo of your pet, and make repeat visits if you do not find your pet. If you do find your pet at the shelter, you will complete the Owner Reclaim process.